Lakewood Ranch

Florida Apologetic Con 2025

March 17, 2025
8:00 am
12:00 pm

Join us for an exhilarating three-day summit that seamlessly merges Apologetics and Culture. Immerse yourself in a captivating experience filled with eight awe-inspiring keynote presentations, ten dynamic breakout sessions, and invaluable networking opportunities with renowned Apologists and influential personalities leaving an indelible mark on the internet, all in the name of spreading the Gospel. Get ready to be inspired, equipped, and connected like never before!

Conference Dates:

  • March 17th - 8 am-6 pm
  • March 18th - 8:30 am-6 pm
  • March 19th - Schedule to be determined.

Special early bird special is going on right now, and discounted student rates. Financial aid and scholarships are available. Get your ticket and learn more with the button below! 

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