High School


High School Ministry

Available at:
Lakewood Ranch
Our Goal
Our mission is to forge Christ-centered relationships through authenticity that cultivate community. Because here at forge, we believe that, in light of eternity, it matters. We strive to be intentional in leading students to a deeper faith in Christ. Though we are always up for having fun we also want to create a space where they can learn to handle the big questions and issues of life.

Live Worship

We love to see the next generation honing their musical and technical talents. The worship team and production team are made up of High School students who want to serve!

Community like no other

Come build some lifelong friendships! We strive to connect our High School students and create an environment where everyone is welcome and no one sits alone.

Relevant Messages

Every week we teach the Bible and help High School students understand what it means for their lives. Our goal is to develop mature Christians who know what they believe and why they believe it!

Memories for a lifetime

We offer multiple overnight trips and retreats for High School students where they will make memories and have experiences that they will cherish forever!

New here?

Get the info you need to attend a weekend service, plan a weekday visit, watch messages online, receive support, or get connected another way.

Frequently asked questions

When do you meet?

Who is supervising all the High School students and keeping them safe?

Do I need to do anything before I come for the first time?

What will the High School students be doing?




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Get Started

Drop off (or drive yourself) your High School student on Wednesday nights at 6pm. It will be the best time of their week!

When & Where

Forge takes place from 6-8pm every Wednesday night at Lakewood Ranch and campus.


Drop your question in the form.


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First time?

Plan your first visit with us! We would love to know that you are coming and help you with the check-in process.

First time?

Plan your first visit with us! We would love to know that you are coming and help you with the check-in process, including childcare!