December 29, 2024

When Reality Doesn't Meet Expectations

In this one off sermon "Picture Perfect", Pastor Chris Pedro dives deep into being content in all circumstances of life.

Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions! 


  • When have you struggled to find contentment in an imperfect or challenging situation?
  • Paul and Silas worshiped God even while suffering in prison. What does this teach us about finding joy and contentment in difficult circumstances?
  • How did Paul and Silas’s response to hardship impact the jailer and his family? What does this show about the power of faithfulness during trials?
  • The jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?” (v. 30). How does this moment reveal God’s ability to work through our struggles to bring others closer to Him?
  • How does Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” connect to Paul’s message of contentment? How might it challenge how you typically interpret this verse?
  • What practical steps can you take to cultivate contentment and trust in Christ, no matter your circumstances?

Take Home 1: Reframe contentment: What is it found in?

  • Paul talks about learning the secret of being content in any situation (v. 12). What do you think it means to truly find contentment regardless of circumstances?
  • How does the idea of contentment in Christ challenge our culture’s obsession with perfection or the “picture-perfect” life?
  • What in your life are you looking to for contentment?

Take Home 2: Ask the Right Question: Is Jesus actually enough in every circumstance?

  • Is your sole purpose for existing to love Jesus? Do you seek to be in his presence more than anything else? What keeps you from this?
  • If you were to lose everything we had in our lives (like Job), how do you think you would respond?
  • What are you chasing that only Jesus can truly satisfy?
  • Where do you find your happiness, security, and contentment?

Take Home 3: Revisit worship: When and why do you worship?

  • When do you find yourself worshiping God the most? Is it only during church, when life is going well, or when things feel “picture-perfect”? How might this reflect your understanding of worship?
  • What is your worship anchored in?

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