August 5, 2023
I just want to, real quickly, upfront, just say thanks to everybody for allowing me and my family to have some time off this summer. We had a great time. Thank you for allowing that. I appreciate that. But I also want to say that I feel like the most important thing to say, other than us traveling, is how incredible the staff of Grace Community Church is for doing all the things that they did. The volunteers, all of you all who stepped up, and the speakers — I mean, a casual observer should be able to know that this church is in really good hands. It's a very deep staff, a wide staff, and I can tell you the future is very, very bright for this church. We should give the Lord a big round of applause for that, right? Amen.
So, if you are a normal attender here, you know that I don't talk a lot about myself because I’m up here to talk about Jesus. We're going to get right into what I'm doing. If you want to know what all we did this summer, you can talk to me after, or you can go onto Facebook and look at pictures, but I'm here to talk about Jesus. So, that being said, the only thing I ask you is that you give me a little bit of grace. I haven't done this in two months, and I may be a flop this weekend, so please just help me out here a little bit.
I want to start off with four lines of a song that many of you all, as I say the lines of the song, are going to sing them in your head. It will put a sort of age bracket. Some of you all will not know the song at all, and you'll be like, “I don’t know what's going on.”
Don't worry. I’ll cue you in. But when I say these lyrics, many of you are going to put a smile on your face, and you’re going to know what it is. Let me read these lyrics, and then I'll tell you why I put them up here.
“You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, you’ve got to know when to fold ‘em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
Some of you all are singing that right now. Do you know what’s interesting? I didn't know this, but I guess it's sort of the scholar in me that likes to go back and look at stuff. Kenny Rogers didn't write the song. Actually, another man wrote the song. Believe it or not, the same year that Kenny Rogers recorded this, where it was the song of the year, Johnny Cash also recorded the song and had it on his album. I didn't know this. I was like, “Wow.”
This doesn't really change anybody's life, but it's sort of cool to know. So, that being said, if you find yourself wondering who Kenny Rogers is, if you're younger, let me tell you that he was a much better country singer than he was a restaurant owner who roasted chicken. I'll just leave it at that, and you could go look at that. But I say this because, in our lives, we do learn along the way that there are times that we do have to step up, there are times that we do pull away, there are times that we walk away, and there are times that we run. Most of it that we do is sort of for some self-protection, to make sure we're okay, but what we know — you know this, and I know this to be true — is that oftentimes there are things that we shouldn't run from or things that we should embrace. This is a truth that I think all of us know. When I say this, some of you all are going to be like, “Man, he's speaking right to me right now.”
I'm not trying to come back on the first weekend and give everybody a hard time, but I am trying to say this is something that we all need to think about and be honest with. Many of us, when faced with stepping out in our God-given gifts and talents and or dreams, oftentimes run. We're scared. We’re afraid. We don't know what that would look like. And we’re not the only ones. We could go through Scripture and find so many people that when God said, “Hey, I want you to do something,” they ran. They just ran. Right now, I'm sure, in a room this size, there are some people in here who are going, “Yeah. You know, there was that dream that I had that one time, and I felt like God had spoken to me, or there was that time when I really felt like God wanted me to do this, and it's not there anymore.”
You’ve ran. I’ve ran. I ran for many years from my call to ministry. I don't want to give anybody a hard time because there are a lot of reasons why we feel that way. Some of us may feel that God could not use us. You go, “Chip, you don't know what I've done. Chip, you don't know. There was a Friday night that I decided to sin. I mean, I put it in a cooler, I got its name, and I got a hotel room. I mean, I just flat out sinned, and I regret that I did that. It’s followed me every day of my life.”
Or maybe you went through a really bad marriage and divorced, maybe you cheated on somebody, maybe you lied, or maybe you had a business venture that you know you did wrong and, deep down inside, you just don't believe that God could use you. So, when that prompting comes, or when you sort of feel like maybe you should make that step, you run. We run because we don't feel like it. Or maybe some of us may have some bitterness towards God and the Church. When you're a pastor and you get to talk to people like I do, one of the things you notice very quickly when talking to people is that a lot of people who were called of God, who knew God had spoken to them, got burned at a church, got burned by a pastor, got burned by Christians, got burned in a small group, or something happened and they're just bitter. They're bitter towards God. They’re bitter towards the church. There are a lot of people out there who wander in from time to time. They wander to different churches, maybe just seeing, hoping that maybe, when they walk in, they might have some of that feeling again that they had at one point in their life. But they've run. They've run because they're bitter at the Church, or maybe God.
Some of us may have some deep-seated unforgiveness. Maybe somebody did something to us that we can't get past. We’re just bogged down. Anytime we hear something about doing something for God, or maybe walking out that deep, lingering feeling inside, like, “God called me to do this, and I can't do it,” maybe it's because we have some unforgiveness. For many of us, it's just getting through life. We just carry scars of life. So, there are a lot of reasons why, when we talk about following God or doing what God's called us to do, oftentimes, we just run. Many people did in the Bible. They ran. They didn't feel adequate, they didn't like it, or they didn't want to do it for whatever reason.
But I want to just lay something out here as your pastor, and I just want you to look here at Scripture. Paul is speaking to the church at Corinth. In 1 Corinthians 11, he's talked about the Lord's supper, and he's actually told them that it would be better if that church didn't get together, which is crazy. He said, “You shouldn't get together because what you all do is a mockery of Christianity. You're all individualistic and you're all doing your own thing. When you come together for the Lord's Supper, it's not for the better but for the worse. You guys have forgotten that when you partake of this, you need to discern the body.”
The body is the Church. They don't discern the body which is why 1 Corinthians 12-14 talks about spiritual gifts and how all of us have a part to play in what's going on. When we don't discern that, we actually eat and drink judgment and problems in our own lives because we don't realize that we were called to do something for the Kingdom of God. Here’s what he says to the church of Corinth.
He says, “To each…”
That means every person. To each. You may say, “Well, I don't really feel it.”
Next week, we'll talk more about how to discover some of these things, but it’s every person if you are a follower of Jesus.
“To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit…” — listen — “…for the common good.”
Which means all of us have something that God wants to do in our lives that benefits everybody, which means that we lose, and so does the Church, when we run. And it's so easy to run, isn't it? It's so easy to just say, “I don't know.”
Let me give you some examples of some people who ran so that you can feel a little bit more comfortable that you’re not the only person who feels like you've ran. I've ran. I ran for years from ministry. I didn't want to do it. I’d given up. I said, “I'm done with it,” and so on and so forth. Let's look at a couple of people. We could look at a lot of people, but let's look at a couple of people. Moses. You remember Moses, right? Charlton Heston. Remember that? You remember that guy, right? Okay. So, Moses has got this birth where, when he's born, Pharaoh's killing all the babies two years and younger. So, he's under a sentence of death. His mother puts him in, in the Hebrew, an ark. It's calling back to the Noah flood. A lot of these literary devices found in the Bible are calling us back to other things. She puts him in an ark, and she pushes him across the water, trusting God. Of course, he lands, and Pharaoh's daughter finds him. Well, Pharaoh's daughter needs someone to feed this baby, and Moses' mother ends up being the one who’s the wet nurse. Jochebed is her name. She’s able to raise her son. It's this wonderful thing of giving up and getting back. There are these beautiful pictures that are always in Scripture with the way God works.
But we don't know about the upbringing because we're immediately put into Moses' adult life. What we do know, and we know this, is that Moses' mother would've told him that he was a Hebrew, and that Yahweh was his God. He would've been raised in Pharaoh's court. He’d have had a great education and been eating great food. We know some things, but the Scripture doesn't tell us all these things. It just sort of goes right along into his adult life.
It says, “One day when Moses had grown up,”
He’s older.
“…he went out to his people…”
That’s not a throwaway word. He knew who his people were. His mother had raised him. He knew what God had called Israel to do. He knew he was a part of that lineage.
“…and looked on their burdens,”
Something inside of him realized this wasn't right. God was working in him in ways that he didn't see at that particular moment, to develop in him that leadership that he was going to have to have at a later date. Oftentimes, in our own lives, we don't realize the things that are calling to us, the things that are brewing in us, are God working in His sovereign way to get us to the position that He needs us to be in.
“…and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people.”
No throwaway words here. The writer wants to make sure that we understand that it's his people. He understands that this is not right. He sees it. Now, he doesn't respond in a great way here, at this point.
He responds rashly. But what does he do?
It says, “He looked this way in that,”
He looked around to see if anybody could see what was going on.
“…and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian…”
He killed him. And then, not a throwaway word, he buried him in the sand. In the Egyptian religion ecosystem, not everybody had eternal life. You definitely didn't have eternal life if you were immediately buried. Moses knows about Egyptian religion because he's been raised in it, but he also knows about his own faith. He sees their burdens, but what does he do? He strikes this man down and he buries him. He's like, “You aren't getting nothing.”
I mean, he's fired up. That sense of justice, that sense of what's right and wrong, has gone awry here, but God's working. God's in the midst.
“When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together.”
Now he sees his own people struggling.
“And he said to the man in the wrong,”
He knows what's right and wrong. God's birthed that in him. It's part of his giftedness. He doesn't see it at this point, but it's there.
He says, “‘Why do you strike your companion?’ He answered, ‘Who made you a prince and a judge over us?’”
Look at those words. A prince and a judge. Do you know what Moses is going to be in the future? A prince and a judge. Do you know what the old enemy's doing right now? Filling his head with, “You will never be those things. Look at what you've done. There's no way you could ever be a prince or a judge.”
He’s already loading him with those thoughts. Maybe somebody did that to you when you were growing up. Maybe your dad, a stepparent, or a friend told you what you could never be, and you have just held that and never told anybody. And when those moments come that you think that you might be, you kill it and run because there's no way.
He says, “‘Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?’ Then Moses was afraid,”
He says, “Man, everybody's got to know about what's happened. I didn't think everybody saw, but they did.”
Then we find out, “When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled…”
He got out of town.
“…from Pharaoh and stayed in the land of Midian. And he sat down by a well.”
God’s sovereign. Even as Moses flees, God knows. He’s got things working. This is the beauty of Scripture. In the mundane, in the difficulties, in the problems, in the chaos, in the sufferings, God is always at work. He’s always doing stuff. Sometimes we don't see it. Sometimes we don't recognize it. But Moses becomes a shepherd. The one thing that he has is that staff that he can lead those sheep with, and he can beat off those animals that might come. He meets God in the burning bush in Exodus 3, and they have this conversation. In Exodus 4:1, we'll enter into that conversation.
God has told Moses what He’s going to do. “You're going to go deliver my people, Moses. You’re going to go be the one that delivers them out of Egypt.”
He says, “No, no, no. Wrong guy. Wrong guy. I'm not the one. They're not going to believe me. They're not going to listen to my voice.”
Maybe that's what you think. Maybe you think the thing that God's called you to, or spoken to you deep inside, that dream, you think, “Nobody would listen to me. Nobody would follow.”
He says, “They’re going to say, ‘The Lord didn't appear to you.’ They're going to say, ‘No, that wasn't God. That was a bad burrito, an Egyptian burrito, or some bad pepperoni from Domino's Pizza or whatever.’”
He says, “You don't understand. They're going to say this.”
And what does God say? He says, “What’s in your hand?”
“I have a staff.”
That's his prized position. God always asks.
“You’ve got some oil and flour? We’re good. You’ve got some loaves and fishes? We're good. You’ve got a staff? We’re good. I’m going to take your staff, your prized possession, and I'm going to show you what I can do with that staff. What's in your hand?”
He says, “‘A staff.’ And he said, ‘Throw it on the ground.’”
“That's my prize.”
“Yeah. Throw it down to me. Give it to me. Throw it down. It's an act of worship. Throw it down.”
He does, and it becomes a serpent. God starts to work by taking the very thing that he had that will become the thing that God will use to part the Red Sea, the very thing that God will use to deliver, and what does Moses do? He runs. He runs. Oftentimes, we're there. How about Jonah? You know, Jonah is not a story about a big fish, although it is a story that has a big fish in it. Jonah is a story about a man who's heard from God and decides he's not going to do what God told him to do. He runs. We’re told at the very beginning that the word of the Lord came to Jonah. He couldn't have had a more authoritative word. He was told by God what to do. Well, he elevated his feelings above God's Word because he didn't want to go and tell the Ninevites what God had said.
“The word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, ‘Arise,’”
It's a resurrection term. In other words, when we start to do what God has called us to do, we start to rise. We start to have resurrection. We start to see things come to fruition in our lives that we were wanting for and dreaming for, things that start to go a way that we never thought they could go.
He says, “I want you to arise. I want you to go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it. Tell them about their sin.”
He doesn't want to do that. Why does he not want to do that? Because he knows God, and he knows that if the Ninevites decide that they’re sorry, God will forgive them, and He won't judge them. And what does Jonah want? He wants them judged. So, rather than going with what God has said, he goes with what he feels. And what are we told? He says, “Go, call out against them, for their evil has come up before me.”
But Jonah ran. He rose. He didn't have the same rise that God would've given him, but he had his own. He rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. Back in the Ancient Near East, back in the times when these books were written, the people didn't know that there weren't multiple gods. God accommodated people in the Old Testament. Remember, he says, “Put no other gods before me.”
There weren't any other gods to be put before Him. There's only one God, but He accommodated them. The reason he fled to go to Tarshish is because he thought Yahweh was a territorial deity, that He had power here, but if he could get away over here, he could get out from underneath God. It's funny because we look at that and go, “Oh, there's no way. How could anybody believe that?”
We do that. We run from God. We hide from God. See, he went down. It's not a throwaway term. Anytime you're not doing what God's calling you to do, you're going down. It doesn't end up in a good place. He went down to Joppa, found a ship going to Tarshish, and he paid the fair. Can I tell you something? When you run from God, you'll always pay. He went down into it, to go with him Tarshish, away from the presence of the Lord.
I read these two passages just to get us to think about how Moses, I mean, is an important figure in the Old Testament. Jonah, a prophet. People who ran and people who pulled back at a point in their life. Maybe some of us are there. We’re getting ready to go back to school. We're getting ready to go into season, eventually. The church will have all kinds of opportunities to reach people. As your pastor, I take it serious in Ephesians 4 when God says He put apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints to be able to work the ministry. I take that sincerely. My job is to equip saints, on the weekend, to be able to do the work of ministry. I feel like there might be some people who are struggling.
“What do I do? How do I step up?”
I want to help you. So, let me give you some signs that we might be running. It doesn’t mean that you are, but it might be a sign that you are. Things I've seen in life, in my own life as well, when I've run. Things that I see in other people's lives. They’re just some signs that maybe you can think about this week, maybe you can process through this week, and ask, “Are there some areas that maybe God is calling me to?”
Places that He’s placed you where everybody would go, “Well, you're here. You obviously have a part to play in whatever's going on.”
But, somehow, you want to run from it, or you want to pull back. Maybe there are some signs. So, let me give you four things here that might help out. First of all, we might be running — I’m not saying you are, but we might be — when our public faith declarations are not congruent with our actions. What I mean by that is that what we say about God to others, small groups, or wherever we’re at in church are not the same things that happen in our life. Let me put it another way. What we say to others we believe about God is not what we live out in our daily lives. There might be something going on where we're trying to say something to look okay, but deep down inside we're trying to run from something that God wants. The reason this is the case is because if we lived out what we said to be true about God in practice every day, then it might put us in a situation where we couldn't run.
Let me give you some examples of stuff where people go, “I totally believe God is sovereign and in control. I believe that,” but at home you're like, “I can't believe God allowed that to happen. I can't believe God. I can't believe this went on. I can't.”
He’s not in control in your practical, daily life. You say that He is, but in practice you don't believe that. In fact, in practice, you think that God's sort of out to lunch somewhere in the heavenlies and, for whatever reason, He may be involved in other people's lives, but He's not in yours. Or maybe you say, “We’re called to make disciples,” but yet if I were to ask you — and I'm not trying to give anybody a hard time. I'm not trying to give anybody a guilt trip. Remember, the name of our church is not “Guilt Community Church,” it’s “Grace Community Church.”
So, I'm not trying to give anybody a hard time, but we'll spend more time arguing about all kinds of stuff going on in our world, and we fail to tell people the most important thing we can tell them, which is the message about Jesus. You know? Maybe we're running from that. I see the social media stuff. I mean, we'd go after everything. I mean, we live in a very contentious world right now. I'm looking, going, “Nobody needs to hear this. You’re not changing anybody's life.”
Can I just give you a newsflash? The only person that can change people's lives for eternity, His name is Jesus. Period. End of story.
Or we say, “God can forgive anyone of anything that they've done,” but you don't believe that for you. Or you say, “Nothing's impossible with God,” but yet you don't think that it's possible that God could do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think in the area that you feel He’s moving. It might be because you're running from something.
Second, we might be running when we find ourselves regularly elevating our feelings above God's Word. That's an epidemic in the American church right now. If we don't like what Scripture says, “I don't really feel like that's fair. It just doesn't really feel that way to me.”
No, God's Word is God's Word. I mean, I'm going to tell you right now that I'm the wrong guy to come to church you want to sort of push God's Word down. I'm going to tell you right now, I am absolutely convinced, with all of my heart, that God's Word is God's Word, and what He says is the way it is. No matter what I feel, no matter what I think, He knows best. Period. End of story. I can tell you that by personal experience. Every time I've done it the wrong way, it's cost me, and when I've done it His way, it's been a blessing.
I'm going to say something here to you that some of y'all are going to go, “Ooo, hold on,” but I want you to hear me here because I'm convinced of something. In John 10, Jesus talks about how He’s the shepherd. He's talking about Himself. He's not talking about pastors, He’s talking about himself. He says, “The shepherd lays his life down for the sheep,” which I think means that, as pastors, we should be that way. But He also then introduces another character called “the hireling, the one that's not in it for the sheep, but is in it for themselves. I'm here to tell you there are a lot of hirelings in churches. I'm not going to be that guy. I'd rather get you offended and mad at me by telling you the truth so one day you stand before God and go, “I'm so glad that boy from Kentucky told me the truth,” rather than sit in here and try to make you feel happy. Let me tell you something. You may not like it at first, but I want you to hear me here because this is true. Our feelings lie to us a lot. We elevate our feelings so much over God's Word. I mean, it's sad today, in today's world. Let me give you an example. You go, “Oh, I don't believe that. I don't believe that.”
Let me give you an example. We feel, right now, like we're stationary, but you're actually moving at about a thousand miles per hour through space. You are. The earth is traveling at about a thousand miles per hour, but you don't feel that way. If you get in a car, you feel like you're traveling. If you get in a plane, you feel like you're traveling. You feel like you're stationary, but you're not. Let me give you another example. Being wrong feels the same as being right until you know better. Right?
“I didn't feel that way until I knew I was wrong. Now I feel sort of bad.”
Or we may feel that things will never get better, which is crazy because that's so anti to the understanding of the Gospel trajectory that God is working all things together for good for those of us who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. We can feel we're right with God when we aren't. My point is that feelings are just a bad way to run your life. Listen to me. If we have no basis for what truth is, our entire life will be spent making decisions based on feelings. I'm here to tell you what the objective standard of truth is. It’s God's Word.
Let me show you how feelings can be deceptive. Jonah could sleep in the boat, but he was missing God. He felt content enough to take a nap, but he was completely missing God. Don’t elevate your feelings.
“Oh, I just don't feel God. I don't really think…”
Don't do that. Don't elevate. That might be a sign that you're running from something. I've watched people, who are called of God to ministry, get so upset at God and go start a business, another job, or take something else so that they can take care of themselves here, and then they dabble back into the ministry that God called them to do. That's not the way it should be. We can't put our feelings above God's Word.
Third, we might be running when we're regularly making some questionable decisions. We're making decisions that aren't really in light of eternity. They're not really in light of what we know to be true. We’ll do that. In fact, this is why we do it. We think, “Well, if I step out for God, it's going to cost me.”
In trying to avoid sacrifices that we think we may have to make, we make larger and costlier sacrifices, avoiding God. It’s amazing. I've watched people run from God and run and do other things that cost them so much more than it would've cost them to follow God. He paid the fare. You're always going to pay when you decide to do it your way rather than God's way. Listen to me. This is important. Sacrifices for God are always worth it. They're worth it in the end. You might not see it, or you may see it here and now, but they're always worth it. Oftentimes, we'll get to doing things and making decisions that are so questionable because what we're really trying to do is run from God because we think that would cost us more. But oftentimes, the things that we do that are so anti, moving away from God, cost us so much more than it would've cost us just to serve God.
Last, we might be running when we would rather settle for the illusion of control. We like control, don't we? Can I tell you something? Nobody in this room is in control. You can lie to yourself. You can write the offer, but you can't control whether they will accept it. You can ask for a date, but you cannot, with any certainty, guarantee that they're going to accept it.
What we love is the illusion of control.
“I want to be in control of my life. I don't want God to be in control of anything.”
Can I give you a newsflash here? The only person that is in control of the universe is the Lord. He's the only one. Often, we want control, but can I give you a good word here? We can contribute, but we can never control. We can contribute. We can be a part of something, but we can never control. This is important. Listen to me. What we contribute to determines the possibilities of the outcomes. This is so important to understand. When we are contributing to things that are running from God, the outcomes may vary, but they're never going to be good. When we're contributing to the things that God has called us to do, and we've decided not to run, there may be a ton of outcomes that are there in front of us, but they will always be the things that we need.
So, I want to end with this. In the story of Jonah, he gets in the boat, he goes to sleep, the wind and the waves come, and they finally go get him to do a little questionnaire. They eventually throw him over the boat. When they throw him over the boat, if you've read the story, the sea goes calm. Everybody on the boat goes, “Man, that dude's God must really be God because the storm just stopped.”
And they all become believers on the boat. Mark tells us a story about Jesus that’s true as well, but God's sovereign. He knew Jonah, He knew Jesus, and He knew all that. But in a very literary way, He has taken two events and merged them together. Most of the New Testament is written that way. Most of the Old Testament is written that way. We're told that Jesus had gotten the disciples in the boat, and a great windstorm arose. That should sound familiar. The waves were breaking in the boat. That should sound familiar. The boat was filling. That should sound familiar. But Jesus was in the stern, asleep. That should sound familiar. They woke Him, and they said, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”
He awoke, He rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace. Be still.”
And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Interesting. Nobody had to go over the boat. The one who calmed the sea in Jonah was God. Is it possible that Mark wants us to see that God is in that boat? Mark writes, as he does, to us, as readers, to prompt the question. He said, “Why are you so afraid? Do you not have any faith?”
They were filled with great fear, and they said to one another, “Who then is this?”
That’s the question Mark wants you and me to answer. Who is this man? Who is Jesus? Is He the God of the universe that can calm the seas? Is He just some dude in history that we should push aside and brush aside? Is He some fictitious imagination or is He the one who went to the cross, died for our sins, could give us eternal life, and has actually called you and me to do something great? Who then is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him?
What I want to ask you is this: Who is He? Maybe you're here right now, and maybe you've never really thought about that. Maybe that next step for you is to say, “Do you know what? I need Jesus in my life. I don't know. I don't know what's going on inside of me right now, but I need Jesus.”
Well, this is the time. Get involved in our next steps class. Get baptized. We'll help you grow. But I suspect for many people, and many people watching online, that this is a call to say, “Hey, listen. He really is who He says He is. He really is the Lord. You don't need to run.”
I want to help you not run. I want to help you embrace the things that God has called you to do and to be, and we're going to talk about that next weekend. How do we discover those things? How do we go after those things? How do we look at those things? I want you to be here. But this week, what I want you to do is I want you to take a diagnostic and ask yourself, “Is it possible that I might be running from something? God, work in me. Give me new wine. Break me. Open me up to be the servant and the person that you've called me to be.”
Would you bow your heads for a second? We're going to sing a final song, and we're going to just allow the Lord to minister to us. But if you've never accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, this might be the moment where you just say, “Lord, I've lived life my way for so long and it's not really worked out. I need to live life Your way. Lord, I've sinned, I have done so many things, and I want You to forgive me. Lord, I want You to be the Lord of my life. I want to move forward with You. I don't even know what to do.”
If that's you, talk to Him right now. When you get up, find somebody with a lanyard on, go to them, and say, “Hey, I need to figure out what to do next.”
We will help you. But for many of us, it may be just taking a moment to recognize, once again, anew and afresh, “Who then is this?”
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