March 9, 2025

Don't be Conformed, be Transformed

In week three of Emotional Regulation, Pastor Chip reiterates the power of continually renewing our mind to be more focused on Christ.

Dive Deeper into the message with these discussion questions!


  • Pastor Chip stated “We all have ‘tangled-ness’ in our lives.” What do you do with it? (Stuff it? Feel in Shambles? Something else?)
  • What happens when people don’t feel seen, valued, or understood? How does this impact emotional health and relationships?
  • What does it mean to offer your whole self to God (Rom. 12:1)—including your emotions and struggles?
  • How does renewing your mind (Rom. 12:2a) impact your ability to regulate your emotions and make wise decisions?
  • What is one practical step you can take today to start renewing your mind? Who in your life can help encourage and keep you accountable in this process?

Take Home 1: We need to stop and think about what we think about (Rom. 12:2a)

  • What are the messages you regularly tell yourself about who you are? Are they rooted in truth or shaped by past experiences, culture, or lies?
  • Rom. 12:2 warns us not to conform to the patterns of this world. What are some influences (media, social circles, past experiences) that shape the way you think? How can you filter these influences through a Biblical lens?
  • Rom. 8:5-6 says that our mindset determines whether we live by the Spirit or by the flesh. How does what you focus on shape your emotions and actions?
  • How can you tell the difference between a thought that is from God and a thought that is from the world or the enemy?

Take Home 2: Our emotions are not an evil that needs to be beat back

  • How have you been taught to view emotions—are they something to be embraced, ignored, or suppressed? How has this shaped your emotional health?
  • “Emotions are to be felt, not fixed.” What does this quote mean to you? How does it challenge the way you process emotions?
  • Jesus Himself experienced deep emotions (Mt. 26:38). How does knowing that Jesus felt sorrow, grief, and distress change the way you see your own emotions?
  • Pastor Chip said that our emotions often lead us to places we might not want to go. What do you think your emotions are telling you?

Take Home 3: We need to have safe places to bring our emotions out into the light (Eph. 5:11, James 5:16a)

  • What are some fears that keep people from being open about their struggles? How can the church be a place that welcomes honesty and emotional safety?
  • Do you tend to see the church as a place to be honest and share your emotions? Or do you tend to put up a facade and keep others at a distance? Why?
  • Do you have a space or a group of people where you feel safe to share your emotions? If not, what steps can you take to build that kind of community?
  • What practical steps can you take to make sure your emotions are not hidden but processed in a way that leads to healing and growth?

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