February 23, 2025

How to deal with how we feel

In the first week of E.R., Pastor Chip opens with his personal testimony, sharing his journey and setting the stage for addressing mental health in the church.

Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions! 


  • Pastor Chip opened by sharing a quote that highlights how the Church often responds differently to physical health struggles than to mental health struggles. Why do you think this happens, and what would it look like for the Church to truly support people facing mental health challenges?
  • What are your thoughts on mental health issues? How has the Church historically handled mental health issues?
  • What does it mean for God to make us more whole? Where do you see that need in your own life?
  • We’re told that Jonah was angry (verse 1). Have you ever been angry at God? What do you think God wants us to do when we feel anger toward Him?
  • Pastor Chip highlighted Jonah’s emotional mood swing—from anger to gladness. What does this tell us about how emotions can shift so quickly?
  • Do you tend to live like “feelings don't matter” or “feelings are all that matter”?
  • Pastor Chip shared a bit of his personal journey. What’s something emotional you’ve wrestled with recently, and how did you process it?
  • What do you personally hope to learn from this ER Series?

Take Home 1: The importance of meditating on God’s Word rather than trying to solve everything ourselves (Josh. 1:8, Ps.119:11,105)

  • “Our emotions do not change God’s character.” How does the truth provide stability when your feelings seem overwhelming?
  • How would you define emotions? Do you think emotions are inherently good, bad, or neutral?
  • How much of your daily life, emotions, or feelings are controlled by circumstances? What might it look like to anchor your emotions in God’s truth instead?
  • Psalm 119:105 says God’s Word is a ‘lamp to our feet.’ How does regularly meditating on Scripture help guide our emotional responses?

Take Home 2: Realize how important learning to walk by the Spirit is to our own health, our relationship with others, and our witness (Gal. 5:16-17)

  • What does it mean to ‘live by the Spirit’ in practical terms? How would you describe your relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • In what areas of your life do you find it hardest to walk by the Spirit rather than your emotions?
  • What are some practical ways you can be more aware of and dependent on the Holy Spirit in your daily life?

Take Home 3: Learn to move beyond “not far” (Mark 12:34a)

  • What does ‘drilling down to the root’ of our struggles look like in a practical sense? How do we get to the deeper issues rather than just treating symptoms?
  • If you had to name one ‘root issue’ that keeps coming up in your spiritual life, what would it be? What do you think God is calling you to do about it?

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