As we wrap up our It's Who We Are series in week 7, Pastors Chris Pedro, Logan Hall, and Michael Cason explore the question, "why are we here?".
Why do you come to church? Is it out of habit, obligation, or a genuine desire to grow?
How would you describe the difference between attending church and being the church?
Have you ever stopped to reflect on whether you are growing spiritually, or just going through the motions?
What stands out to you about how the early church responded to the Gospel? How does this compare to how people respond to faith today?
Which of these three—Equip, Connect, or Serve—comes most naturally to you? Which is most challenging? Why?
What is one step you can take this week to deepen your commitment to discipleship?
Take Home 1: Authentic discipleship means that we prioritize devotion over attendance (Acts 2:42)
The early church was devoted to teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer (v.42). What does devotion in these areas look like in today’s church? What does it look like in your own life?
Are you truly devoted to Jesus, or are you just checking a box by attending church? How can you tell the difference?
What are you actively doing in your life that is shaping you into the image of Jesus?
Do you see faith as something you participate in weekly, or as something that defines your daily life?
What are some distractions or obstacles that keep you from fully committing to authentic discipleship?
Take Home 2: Authentic discipleship means that we live like family (Acts 2:44)
The early believers were “together and had all things in common,” (v.44). What do you think that means for us today?
Do you feel truly connected to your church community, or do you feel more like an individual within it? What would help deepen your sense of belonging?
What barriers or differences do you allow to divide you from other believers?
How might you allow others to love you like family? Do you struggle with receiving help, encouragement, or support? Why?
Take Home 3: Authentic discipleship means that we reflect Christ to the world (Acts 2:45)
What do you think non-believers see when they look at the church today? Does it align with the church in Acts 2?
In what ways does your lifestyle reflect Jesus to the world around you?
Pastor Logan emphasized that all believers in the early church (not just the leaders) were serving and giving. Do you see yourself as an active part of the church’s mission, or more of an observer? Why?
What would change if you viewed every interaction as an opportunity to reflect Jesus?
What’s one area where you can be more intentional about showing the love of Jesus this week?
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