In week nine of First Things, Pastor Chip reminds us to hear the whole story, and know the rest of the story.
Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions!
Prior to this message, how would you answer the question “Why do we have the Gospel stories (Jesus’ teachings, healings, exorcisms, etc.) and what are they there for?”
Pastor Chip talked about the fact that God is working to “put all things back to right”. Knowing that this is true, how does this affect the way you live?
Genesis 3-11 contains stories of humanity moving east of Eden (moving away from God) and building their own cities. In what way(s) do you build your own cities or do things your own way?
Do you believe that Jesus really is King over heaven and earth (Mt. 28:18)? What keeps you from believing?
How can you exercise your belief in Jesus through His "culmination, inauguration, and fulfillment of the Gospel?"
What is one take away that you can apply to your life this week?
Take Home 1: Jesus has defeated the power of sin and death (Heb. 2:14)
How does the truth of this take home affect the way you live your life?
How does the truth of this takehome affect the way you view death or loss?
“God has not given us a spirit of fear” What do you fear?
Take Home 2: Jesus has defeated the power of sin and death, and we are to testify about it and live in light of it (Phil. 3:20-21)
Do you live a countercultural lifestyle? How so? What's one attribute that sets you apart that is recognizable by others?
If our citizenship is in heaven and we’re called to live as ambassadors, how does this change the way look at your circumstances or your daily life?
What distinguishes you as an ambassador for Jesus vs. merely a spectator going through the motions (i.e. attending church, etc.)?
Is it difficult to grasp the significance of eternity with Jesus?
How would it look if we were to focus on living as light and preaching the Gospel, instead of focusing on reforming the world or telling people how they should live?
Take Home 3: The church and the proclamation of the Gospel are the means through which God declares His victory
In what ways do you put your faith or focus on the systems of the world?
How should we, as Christians, balance being involved in the world and putting our focus on & allegiance to the Gospel?
Re-read Rom 12:9-21. What stands out to you as you read this? Which of the principles listed feel most needed in our culture? In the church?
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