August 11, 2024

Obsessed with winning arguments?

In week six of 'Identity Crisis' Pastor Chip, goes into how we as christians often "Take the bait."

Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions! 

Eph. 4:1-3, 17-20, 29-30


  • In what ways are you taking the bait in your Christian walk?
  • In what ways is the American Church or the global Church in an identity crisis?
  • “People won’t have the eyes to see or the ears to hear…” What eyes and ears do you have? What are you attuned to?
  • “Be Who You Are” - In what ways are you being something other than a follower of Christ?
  • In what ways are you fusing Jesus with other things?
  • When things feel unjust, where is your mind? Do you believe that if God didn’t want you there you wouldn’t be?

Take Home 1: We take the bait when we want to win like the world, rather than winning like Christ

  • In what ways are you consumed by “winning”?
  • How would you answer these questions that Pastor Chip posed: “What does it mean for us to win? What does it mean to win like Jesus?”
  • Are you willing to lose everything in pursuit of Jesus? What might be holding you back?

Take Home 2: We take the bait when we spend more time fighting for issues rather than living out the fruit of the Spirit (Eph. 4:1,17)

  • In what ways do you find yourself fighting or wanting to fight?
  • What are some things in your life that you’re afraid to lose? What do you feel like you need to fight for?
  • Do you live in such a way that “people ask” about the hope that’s within you? What would people say/ask about you when looking at your life?

Take Home 3: We take the bait when we simply cannot control our tongues (Eph. 4:29)

  • Take a moment to reflect on your words over the last week – Are there any areas where you “run down those who are made in His image”?
  • Looking at the sins listed in Romans 1, which one(s) do you relate to most?
  • What categories have you sorted people into? Where might you need to repent?

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