August 25, 2024

What was I made for?

In week eight of 'Identity Crisis' Pastor Chris goes into how we were created for a greater purpose.

Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions! 

Rom 1:22-25, 8:18-30


  • Prior to this message, how would you respond to this question: “What were you made for?”
  • Take a moment to read Gen. 1:26-28 and take note of the verbs in each verse. How can we fulfill these roles in our daily lives in our modern-day world?
  • Pastor Chris emphasized that you were made to reflect God. Is there anything in your life that you feel does this? Is there anything that doesn’t?
  • What could it look like for you to partner with God in your life?
  • Take a moment to reflect on your life. Where have you exchanged your glory (position) for worldly images?
  • What is your first love, your idol? What may have all of your heart and attention?
  • Is there anything in your life or in this world that feels like “it shouldn’t be this way”?
  • Do you believe there is anything you can do (or have done) that can get in the way of fulfilling the purpose God has for you?
  • What is your biggest take-away from this weekend's message? What change(s) can you apply to your life?

Take Home 1: When we understand our position, we realize that we were created for His purpose rather than our own (Gen 1:26, Rom 8:29)

  • What’s one purpose you believe God has for you?
  • Where have you tried to find purpose in your own strength?
  • What do you see as the goal/purpose of your life?
  • What is one way in your daily life that your reflect Jesus (with family, friends/neighbors, work colleagues, etc.)?

Take Home 2: When we understand our position, we discover that we each have a job to do (Rom 8:19)

  • How do you view your job? How can you work for the glory of God?
  • What do you think is your vocation (calling / individual purpose)? What has God made you do? Who has God made you to be?
  • How are you participating in the mission? What are you doing to advance God’s kingdom?
  • Who is God (really) calling you to be? Do you truly understand / grasp my position in our secular world?

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