July 28, 2024

Preparing for Difficulties

In week four of identity Crisis Pastor Chip dives deeper in to how we should approach suffering and difficulties.

Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions! 


  • What in your life is out of alignment with God?
  • Have you ever had trouble aligning a good God with things like grief, trauma, and suffering?
  • What do you do when you have questions for “the Sovereign Lord”? How do you approach God in times of questions?
  • How do we prepare ourselves for the storms of life?
  • It’s common to pray before something important, but how often do you pray after (like Jesus in verse 23)?
  • Jesus says this in verse 27: “Take heart; It is I (I AM). Don’t be afraid.” Where in your life do you need to remind yourself of this truth?
  • What new meaning could verse 27 have for you knowing that the Greek words translate to “I AM”?
  • What commands in Scripture have proved to you in life as ‘for our benefit’?

Take Home 1: A properly aligned Christian identity realizes we need equipping before and after storms, but love and support when we are in them

  • How can you practically show love and support when others are in the middle of a storm?
  • Do you see any evidence of “Circumstantial Christianity” in your life as a Christian? What adjective would you use to define your walk with Christ?
  • What things has the world done that has surprised you? Why were you surprised?

Take Home 2: A properly aligned Christian identity informs us that God's sovereignty and the storms of life are not mutually exclusive (Mt. 14:22a)

  • Do you believe that God’s sovereignty is leading all things to good?
  • Reflect on your thoughts about God and your relationship with Him; In what ways might you be limiting God?
  • What might “good” look like in the midst of your storm?

Take Home 3: A properly aligned Christian identity realizes we must meet storms with prayer rather than simply our own effort

  • Do you realize that Jesus is with you and is interceding for you in the midst of the storm? How does that realization change how you navigate through the storms of life?
  • Is there an area of prayer where you feel weak or deficient? How can you grow in your prayer life?

Take Home 4: A properly aligned Christian identity understands that within the storms of life God's presence and power and our weakness and frailty are clearly demonstrated (Mt. 14:29-30)

  • Have there been situations or difficulties in your life where you questioned what God was doing? What did you learn about Him during or after that difficult time? What did you learn about yourself?
  • Do you ever try hide or run from your weakness or frailty? What might it look like to allow God to demonstrate his power & presence in your weakness? (Read 2 Cor. 12:9-10)

Take Home 5: A properly aligned Christian identity ultimately embraces that suffering is followed by glory (Mt. 14:33)

  • When you’re in the storms of life, how can you remind yourself that suffering is followed by glory?
  • How does hearing John’s words about our future in Revelation 21:1-4 affect you?

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